In This Is Not Propaganda, Peter Pomerantsev delves into the murky waters of modern-day propaganda, dedicating a significant chapter to Alberto Escorcia’s journey as a digital activist. Escorcia has worked on the front lines of Mexico’s fight against corruption, leveraging his understanding of social media to empower protests. Yet, his work has come at a high personal cost, as he’s endured harassment, threats, and the looming presence of bots and trolls aiming to discredit movements and manipulate public opinion.
Escorcia’s experience underscores the profound challenges faced by activists in a digital era where propaganda is no longer top-down but interwoven with our daily online interactions. Governments and other powerful entities use bots and cyber tactics to create simulated consensus, a phenomenon that subtly shifts public perception, while fragmenting genuine calls for change.
Pomerantsev’s portrayal of Escorcia’s story reveals the darker side of digital platforms, where public opinion is continuously swayed by invisible forces. Escorcia’s journey shows us what’s at stake when propaganda masquerades as grassroots sentiment, manipulating our very understanding of truth. This book is essential for those who wish to understand the complex, and often perilous, landscape of digital activism today.